Flight of Fantasy

Scribblings from my life past and present.

Monday, September 07, 2009

We are the Web!

We are the Web - or so they say,
So hello world! - to this new day.
Can we 'forge a link' on this
highway to immortality -
or shall we rethink the

The portal to my mind exposed,
with changing rules 
changing identities,
as life moves into it's 'second phase'
without restricted categories. 

No more assumptions what will be,
the world has changed and so must
Change the basic rule of order -
listen to others points of view.
Tag me now and blog while I 
stand on the border -
and shout to hidden minds
at the edge of this new world order.

Millenniums have come and gone
the Web is here and now moves
Social networking is the place
to be.
Listen to its voice
humming with lost conversations - 
but the question in my mind arises,
has it really set us free?

Or are we just getting started -
wired together by new virtual chains 
that bind us -
forcing us on to a new horizons
together with mindless multitudes,
ripping open our inner thoughts -
and offering them to the new
Web 2.0 gods.

Savage minds, in savage places -
new faceless faces in darkened
Making friends with total strangers
Joining hands across the nations.
Danger lurks at every turn but we

are forced on,
by a hidden crowd - onward
onward -
will we never learn?

Freedom is not always free,
people dictate who we must be,
Comments are running wild,
tearing up our inner child.

Even this new world has its limitation,
run by those with the faceless faces.

Stop the bus - I shout to the galaxy.
I want to get off, I need to be free.
The web and its platforms are 

binding me to a place, I do not
want to be. 
Friends exist only on chats,
blogging this and twittering 

Gateways to other jails
Wormholes make all 
things seem near.
Old values slowly depart,
leaving a vacuum in 
our heart.

We are the Web - or so they say,

So hello world! - to this new day.
Can we 'forge a link' on this
highway to immortality -
or shall we rethink the

Before its too late?